Product liability: protecting yourself from defective products

If you or a loved one was injured because of a dangerous or defective product, then you may have a case. Manufacturers have a legal responsibility to ensure their products are safe. Our expert guidance will help you protect yourself and your loved ones from further harm.

As Americans that buy and use products by the billions, if not trillions, we assume they are built carefully and designed to work as intended. But the truth is that manufactures are often forced to issue recalls for unsafe, defective items. Companies frequently see dollar signs over consumers safety, causing products to fail, posing a serious risk of danger.

What to Do Before You Start the Claims Process

Before you start the claims process, it is important to understand who the liable party could be, such as:

  • Wholesalers
  • The product manufacturer
  • The retail distributor of the defective product
  • The party that manufactured the defective components
  • And others

How to Determine the Nature of Defect

Determining the nature of defect is equally important in determining your product liability case. There are three main types of product defects, including:

Design Defect is when there was a clear risk posed by the product when the product was manufactured as intended by the liable party and used for said intended purposes.

Manufacturing Defect is when the manufacturer made an error either within the actual design of the product or during production of said product that caused it to not work as intended.

Marketing Defect is when the seller of the product fails to provide appropriate safety warnings or instructions, mislabels the product, or creates advertisements that does not accurately reflect the use of the product.

Pennsylvania law generally requires legal claims pertaining to product liability to be filed within two years of the accident that caused your injuries, per Pa. C.S.A. § 5524.

Contact Scanlon Law Group Today

At the Scanlon Law Group, we encourage you to reach out as soon as possible so that we can hold negligent parties accountable. You shouldn’t have to bear the financial and potential life-changing burdens due to anothers negligence. We have a proven track record of success in complex cases involving defective products.

Please don’t hesitate to call us at 412-523-3330 or fill out the form to your right to get started with your free consultation today.