Auto Accident Checklist: Your Guide on What to Do After an Accident

You’re driving along, minding your own business, and then BAM! Out of nowhere, someone rear-ends you at a stop light.

You’re in complete shock at this moment, attempting to navigate the whirlwind of thoughts on what to do next. The best way to handle a situation like this is to be prepared with the steps to take before it happens.

Our de facto auto accident checklist of things to do (and not do):

What to Do

Here is a checklist of things you considering doing after an automobile accident:

Check for injuries and call 911

Call 911 immediately. Once the police and ambulance arrive, they will assess the situation and take the appropriate steps for all party’s involved. It is important that you, as well as the passengers in your vehicle, seek medical attention even if you believe no injuries were sustained. Police involvement is absolutely necessary. Police will generate an accident report, which is critical for determining who is at fault for the accident.

Move your vehicle out of the way of traffic (if possible)

It is important to make sure all party’s involved move to the side of the road to avoid oncoming traffic. If you can’t move your vehicle, turn on your hazard lights so other drivers will know to use caution when approaching.

Exchange insurance information with the other driver(s) involved

This information includes your name, address, phone number, and insurance company name along with the policy number. It’s also a good idea to get the other driver’s driver’s license number and license plate number in case they provide you with false information.

Document the details

If you have a camera or camera phone, take photos of the damage to all vehicles involved, as well as any skid marks or debris on the road. Detail as much as you possibly can. These pictures will be helpful when filing your insurance claim.

Call your insurance company

It is important to report the accident and start the claims process. But don’t wait too long to do this; most insurance companies require you to report an accident within 24 hours in order for them to process your claim. Failure to do so may result in some unnecessary obstacles for you and the party’s involved.

What Not to Do

Here is a checklist of things you should not do after an automobile accident:

Don’t leave the scene of the accident

You want to make sure that you and all party’s involved do not leave the scene of the accident until it has been resolved completely or you’ve been instructed by law enforcement at the scene that it is okay to do so.

Don’t admit fault or place blame

You want to make sure that you do NOT admit fault or place blame on anyone until all of the facts have been gathered and you’ve had a chance to speak with your insurance company.

Don’t post on social media

In our digital age, many people’s first reactions are to post an accident on their social media platforms. However, this is an unwise move, and we highly recommend against it. These photos can be used against you in various ways, resulting in the potential loss of your claim. Allow the claim process to play out fully before deciding to post anything to your social media platforms.

Contact Scanlon Legal Group Today

No one walks out the door thinking they’re going to get into an automobile accident. Unfortunately, they can happen to the best of us. If you do find yourself involved in an accident, follow these simple steps (and save our accident checklist) to ensure that everyone involved is safe and that all your bases are covered.

Remember: we are here for you! Call Scanlon Law Group at 412-533-3330 or visit our Free Consultation page to schedule your first appointment with us today.